Real life stories of Addiction – and coming out the other side stronger and happier
I have lived with a family of Heroin addicts, Alcoholics and watched their demise. There have been times of sheer anger, frustration, sadness and horror. Watching someone you love ruining their life, day after day is never easy. There are NO explanations, when you are an addict it can be the hardest thing to overcome. The dark times, the crying, the sheer pain of not having money to feed your habit is all part of any addiction, be that drugs, alcohol, gambling, porn and so on. Admitting you have a problem is the FIRST step to making change. Recognising that you need help is a “light bulb” moment when you KNOW that what you are doing is killing you and the family around you are watching your demise. I am not by any means going to say it is EASY, by God it takes, strength, courage and huge will power to ADMIT you need to make change. BUT there is hope, my sister (who is happy to share her story and support any one of you) going through this painful experience, has COME out the other side. She has embraced her spirituality and now works as a medium, she has found her place of peace and is literally a different person. I am so proud of how far she has come through the darkest days of pain when you are “rehabilitating” yourself. There were days when she wanted to “give up”! she never did, she kept going. She endured all the labels she was given and the names she was called and opened her HEART and SOUL to becoming FREE of the very thing that had taken OVER HER LIFE. Her Drug Abuse, wasnt just in social situations, it was PART of her everyday LIFE.
So, LET ME SAY, there is hope……………….. YOU can BEAT this……………………… and both my sister and I are here to help you – God bless x
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